Xi Rho Chi
President: Terri Viele Vice-President: Norma Tursky
Meetings are held on 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 pm
Members live mostly in the Fair Oaks, Orangevale and Roseville areas.
We are an active chapter with 16 members ranging in age from young mothers to retirees. We participate in a variety of service projects and fundraisers. We also enjoy many social events together. Everyone is welcome and able to participate in as much or as little as they choose. We are active in Sacramento City Council and Northern California Council. Several members attend our State Convention each year for a weekend of fun and celebration of the contributions we make to our statewide philanthropic projects. We have lots of fun together and would love to have you visit our chapter.
Chapter Contacts:
Contact: Vice President, Norma Tursky
Email: NPTursky@yahoo.com